Yıl: 2010/ Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2 Sıra: 3 / No: 413 /     DOI: 10.4026/1303-2860.2010.142.x

Predicting Work Attitudes and Turnover Intentions Among Officers: The Importance of Adlerian Personality Attributes
Justina Liesienė, Auksė Endriulaitienė, Loreta Bukšnytė, Loreta Gustainienė, Roy Kern

This study investigated the predictive value of Adlerian personality attributes related to work attitudes and turnover intentions in a sample of 227 prison officers. The assessment instruments employed in the study included the Basic Adlerian Scales for Interpersonal Success Adult Form. Spector’s Job Satisfaction questionnaire, Meyer and Allen's Organizational Commitment scale and four questions designed to assess work motivation and attitudes. Employee turnover intentions were assessed with a three item scale. The results revealed significant relationship with personality attributes, work attitudes and turnover intentions. Intention to leave the job could be predicted by job satisfaction organizational commitment and personality attributes, but not by work motivation.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Adlerian lifestyle; BASIS-A, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work motivation, turnover intention

This study investigated the predictive value of Adlerian personality attributes related to work attitudes and turnover intentions in a sample of 227 prison officers. The assessment instruments employed in the study included the Basic Adlerian Scales for Interpersonal Success Adult Form. Spector’s Job Satisfaction questionnaire, Meyer and Allen's Organizational Commitment scale and four questions designed to assess work motivation and attitudes. Employee turnover intentions were assessed with a three item scale. The results revealed significant relationship with personality attributes, work attitudes and turnover intentions. Intention to leave the job could be predicted by job satisfaction organizational commitment and personality attributes, but not by work motivation.

Keywords: Adlerian lifestyle; BASIS-A, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work motivation, turnover intention

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